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Novel Recipes

Our project aims to create healthy, nutritionally- balanced and attractive dishes that comply with a healthy diet. Novel food dishes and food products are developed with the aim to employ more locally grown underutilized food crops that are climate adjusted and more environmentally friendly.

                                                                                      You can view and download the pdf with the recipes here:

Dandelion & Tomato Salad

Buckwheat & Potato Tart

Buckwheat Soup

Buckwheat & Grass Pea Stew with Eggplant

Red Lentil Soup

Chickpea Stew

Baked Eggplant & Potato ala Papa Alexie

Oriental Salad of Blue Eggplants & Tomatoes

Lentils as an appetizer

Buckwheat Pockets Filled with Walnuts & Dried Fruits

Our BioValue recipes in Greek and Spanish, click to download the PDF :

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