Consejo Asesor Externo
Meet the Advisory Board of BioValue
Dr. Schader Christian
Christian Schader heads the sustainability assessment group at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture in Switzerland. He studied agricultural sciences at the University of Bonn and did his PhD on environmental-economic evaluation of agricultural policies at the University of Wales. Christian’s work encompasses evaluations of environmental, economic and social aspects of food production and consumption. This includes the development and application of methods for analysing different sets of environmental, economic and social aspects of food supply chains. These include the Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment Routine (SMART) which operationalises the Guidelines for Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture Systems (FAO) and has been used for data collection on more than 5,000 farms globally. Furthermore, he has been working with primary and secondary farm accountancy data and life cycle assessment data at farm level. Christian has co-authored the SAFA Guidelines and has developed the SOL-Model, published in Nature Communications, The Journal of the Royal Society Interface and Global Environmental Change.
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Dr. Aslı Zulug
Dr. Aslı Zulug obtained her B.Sc. degree from Ege University Department of Food Engineering in 2003 and M.Sc. degree from Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH) Greece in 2006 about Business Management and Economics and, her Ph.D. degree from Ege University, Department of Agricultural Economics in 2010 and studied about consumer preferences on country-of-origin food products. She had a sectoral experience about food safety and new product development area. During her sectoral activities she was giving part time lectures about food safety, nutrition, food politics and food and beverage management subjects in state and foundation universities. In 2020 after completing TUBİTAK 1512 R&D project, she founded a company by developing a functional food product that called PACHA: protein and collagen chips. As a spin-off, her company is in Ozyegin University Campus with production line and continue R&D projects.
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Dr. Graziano Ceddia
«There’s no sense in being precise when you don’t even know what you’re talking about»
John von Neumann
Dr. Graziano Ceddia works as a Permanent Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. His main research interests fall in the area of Ecological Economics, Political Ecology, Applied Economics, and Institutional Analysis. Currently Dr. Graziano Ceddia is working on two main topics:
1) Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) and deforestation in tropical regions, including Latin America, with a particular focus on institutional factors;
2) adaptation to climate change, with a focus on flood risk management.
Latest publications:
- Ceddia M.G., Frey S., Inguaggiato C., Tschopp M. (2021). Talking about trees: the territorial classification of native forests in the Argentinian Chaco. Environmental Research Letters (Accepted Manuscript).
- Ceddia M.G. (2020). Investments’ role in environmental degradation. Science 368 (6489): 377-377.
- Ceddia M.G. (2020). The super-rich and cropland expansion via direct investments in agriculture. Nature Sustainability 1-7.
- Zepharovich E., Ceddia M.G., Rist S. (2020). Perceptions of deforestation in the Argentinean Chaco: combining Q-method and environmental justice. Ecological Economics 171(C).
- Ceddia M.G. (2019). The impact of income, land and wealth inequality on agricultural expansion in Latin America. PNAS 116(7): 2527-2532.
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