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1 Year of BioValue – Annual Meeting at Chania

The BioValue consortium is meeting for its annual project meeting discussing the progress of the project during the first 12 months and the next steps planned. The focus lays on the upcoming deliverables and the associated work performed. Partners presented the advancements regarding the assessment of the current framework of agri-food value chain tools, the interlinkages of the value chain and the biodiversity effect and the BioValue tool development. Furthermore, details about the design of novel food dishes were presented e.g., recipe design and nutritional analyses of novel food dishes while the work related to the agri-food value chain biodiversity links via the BioValue tool was also displayed.

In the frame of #WP7 activities CUT, EGE, AUTH, EMU and CONFAGRICULTURA who are involved in the execution of our pilot cases distributed the BioValue crops between them:

During the dinner on the 12th of September, we hosted our first sensory evaluation of the novel food dishes under development within #WP5.

We also had the opportunity to meet our sister projects RADIANTDIVINFOOD, CROPDIVA within this 12-month meeting and agree upon common action plans and aims.

We are happy about this fruitful 2-days meeting and are looking forward to implementing all of our plans!

A warm thank you goes to the host of this meeting, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, for the excellent organisation and hospitality.

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